1. Is “Groove Phi Groove” a Greek Fraternity?
This question was posted on the GreekChat blog in 2007 and answered correctly by "Lady Greek." "Unlike many new orgs trying to be GLOs (Greek Lettered Organizations)* that was never the Groove's intent. In fact they did more in the "movement" than some members of the NPHC (National Pan Hellenic Council)* did. I respected them then and I respect them now." *The asterisk denotes the editor’s translation of an acronym.
2. Why does Groove "Phi" Groove have a Greek letter in its name if it is not a Hellenistic/Greek organization?
The letter "Phi" is an Egyptian Letter often contributed to The Phoenician Alphabet. The letter resembles a threaded needle head; the thread of life. Note. The Phoenicians lived in cities that were located on the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea and were great seafaring traders, whom traded with Egypt, Persia, and the Greek City States. As any international businessman or major can attest, communication is vital in establishing trade relations. Thus, the transfer of language occurs out of necessity and mutual benefit. The Latin language bears this fact to be true, as does modern English which is comprised of words from France, Spain and other spoken languages.
More important is the fact that Phi = 1.618. It is also known as the Golden Number which produces the Divine Proportion, Golden Mean, and the Golden Ratio. Phi is the only number which has the mathematical property of its square being one more than itself. In other words, A is to B as B is to C; which give you the correct proportional ratio of the great pyramids. The Egyptians understood the unique properties of Phi as attested by their directional layouts of complexes, temples, and monuments. Both archaeologists and mathematicians have determined that the Kemetic use of Phi in the construction of the Pyramids and Sphinx is not by happenstance or coincidence. The mathematical knowledge of Phi and letter appears to have been passed onto the Greeks as their latter dated temples employ the mathematical properties of Phi. Note. Pythagaros of Samos, studied in Memphis, Egypt.
If you want to have some fun, divide the 66 of books in the bible by 1.618 (the Golden Number) and you get (40.7), the book of Matthew… exactly where the Bible divides in two.
3. What is the difference between a Fraternity and a Fellowship?
The first clue in decoding the differences between Fraternity and Fellowship is examining the declension of the words. A declension as we learned in Spanish, Latin, Greek, or other language classes determine the form or gender of a noun, pronoun or adjective. Fraternity has a male declension relating to brother, Sorority has a feminine declension as it relates to sister. Yet Fellowship has a neuter declension (gender neutral). Thus, Fellowship can be used to define a male oriented organization or female oriented organization because it is inclusive. With that in mind, Miriam-Webster's dictionary defines Fellowship (n) as a friendly relationship among a community or group of people who share similar interests, feelings, concerns, and goals. The definition connotes an association or company of equals based on shared experiences, camaraderie and desired activity.
The same Dictionary defines fraternity as a group of male students organized for scholastic, professional, or extracurricular activities who have the same job, interests, and feeling of friendship associated for a common purpose, or pleasure; such as an order, or guild. It further specifies that a fraternity is a men's student organization formed chiefly for social purposes having secret rites and a name consisting of Greek letters, is made up of persons of the same class, profession, character, with the quality or state of being brothers.
Both words entail shared interest, camaraderie and commitment to a community based on shared experiences and desired activity. Yet, the words Fraternity and Fellowship are two different words, despite their overlap in meaning and can be used synonymously; depending on the context. Note. Apples and oranges are roundish, have skin, seeds and belong to the class identified as fruit, but are not the exact same fruit, because they originate from different trees. However, a fraternity and sorority are more exclusive than Fellowship. A Fellowship's composition is not based on belonging to the same class or profession, but common shared interest.
4. Is Groove Phi Groove anti Greek?
Blu-Sigh gave this thoughtful and accurate answer to the above question posted on the Greek Chat blog, "Groove Phi Groove is not trying to replace the BGLO* (Black Greek Letter Organizations) system nor are they anti-Greek they are an Alternative. P.S. Just a small shout out to all my big Bros of Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship INNNNCORPORATED!!! G-Sweeeet! - Zeta Phi Beta Sorority...Need I say more?" *The asterisk denotes the editor’s translation of an acronym.
Thanks for the love Blu-Sigh. Groove Phi Groove is not anti Greek, we are simple one of many organizations which share the same village with Greek organizations, seeking to help uplift those among us whom are less fortunate. Further we recognize the fact that it takes a whole village to raise a child and assist those in need. Thus, when the opportunity presents we partner with other members of the village including Greek and non-Greek organizations.
Note. In her book Not Out of Africa Mary Lefkowitz states, “it is not true that the Greeks stole their philosophy from Egypt; rather, it is true that the Greeks were influenced in various ways over a long period of time by their contact with the Egyptians. But then, what culture at any time has not been influenced by other cultures,” end quote. I agree the term stole may be too strong, however there clearly was an exchange between the ancient cultures of Egypt and the Greek City states. What that exchange consisted of we do not know because there does not appear to be any credit attributed by the Greeks to the Egyptians. Ironically, Wellesley College Professor Mary Lefkowitz would not accept such an oversight by one her students in expanding an original idea, thought, or concept; most likely she would view such an oversight as plagiarism. Notwithstanding, Groove's identity credits Egypt's cultural exchange with other ancient civilizations - especially the exchange with the Greek City/States, which has been obscured by college organizations taking on Greek Letters, while using cryptic Egyptian monikers and symbols such as pyramids and images of the Sphinx.
Not Out of Africa, Was Greek Culture Stolen from Africa Modern Myth vs. Ancient History, http://www.historyplace.com/pointsofview/not-out.htm
5. Are my donations to Groove Phi Groove tax deductible?
We use our 501 ( c ) (3) IRS charitable arm, The Groove Fund, to provide scholarships to college and college-bound students.
6. How can I make a donation to a specific Groove Phi Groove cause, i.e. scholarship drive or college bus tour?
To make a donation to the Groove Fund simply click on the link or go to GrooveFund.com and give a general donation or an earmarked donation such as donation for Philadelphia High School student.
7. Is Membership open to all ethnic groups?
Between the colors of Black and White is a wide span which represents the diversity of mankind. That span is what makes our planet God's unique creation and without just one of those colors on our palette the world which we reside and the advances we enjoy would not be possible. Likewise, Groove recognizes and embraces the uniqueness of every ethnic group of the human race and seek members with a holistic approach to serving the community at large while fostering collective fellowship. *The principal of additive and subtractive color mixing.
8. How do I become a member of Groove Phi Groove; there is not a chapter on my college campus? How do I become a member of the Philadelphia Graduate chapter?
Fellowman Harold Tapanes put together a creative visual which deftly answers this question; just click on the link. If you are interested in joining the Philadelphia Graduate Chapter, contact us via the contact form, we welcome new interest and are always seeking individuals willing to join us in serving the community and enjoy Fellowship.
9. Is there a cost associated with joining Groove Phi Groove?
NC&AT (North Carolina A&T) gave this insightful response to a similar question, "Like any other worthwhile endeavor, there is a financial commitment associated with joining a (Fellowship), fraternity or sorority. Most organization’s new member/initiation fees go toward Inter/National dues, chapter operating expenses, initiation costs and social functions; however the amount of the financial obligation may differ among individual chapters. Additional costs associated with membership include but are not limited to conference attendance, yearly dues, t-shirts, philanthropic initiatives, and support of other organizational programs." Link to NC&AT FAQ
10. This next question was submitted by Zeta Ace on the Greek Chat blog.
"Until recently I had never heard of Swing Phi Swing and Groove Phi Groove and after looking at some of their websites, my question is, are they a wanna be sorority and fraternity? I hope no one takes offense to this. I just want to know what is so different. All of the sites I looked at boasted about being unique but everything I saw was reminiscent if not copy-catish of BGLOs, from the letter wearing to the hand signs and line names on down." Is this just another case of some that couldn't quite cut it banding together and starting another group or is there something genuinely different about them?"
Note. Zeta Ace's question contains two components. Thus, below are two responses; the first from a Greek Lettered Member and the latter from a Fellowman of Groove Phi Groove, S.F.I.
*Part I answered by: Phantomreaper on Greekchat blog 2/2010
"You guys are not seeing the underlying message. This is the same motif that appears in most high schools. A girl who is different and unique from the rest is judged and focused on because they are different and not like the rest. Groove Phi Groove is that unique girl to the rest which is the Greek organizations. However, they are founded for many positive reasons and still uplift those reasons. I am not a Groove, but I have empathy for them because I understand their position. You have many similar reasons for why you guys were founded and those give you purposes give you no reason and need to attack each other and I am sure that if you just think about this you will have a clearer understanding."
Speaking of different, consider how the world has been made better by those whom dared to be different, people such as the Quakers whom supported the abolishment of slavery, Rosa Parks who refused to ride in the back of the bus, Nelson Mandela who refused to capitulate to Apartheid in South Africa, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King and Gandhi whom met violence with non-violent resistance, Malcolm X whom embraced the inclusiveness of Islam, Malala Yousafai whom fought for girls to be education in Pakistan's Swat Valley, and Thurgood Marshall who refused to accept segregation.
*Part II. Answered by Fellowman H.B. Sullivan, Detroit Graduate Chapter of Groove Phi Groove, S.F.I.
Hello Zeta Ace:
As a proud member of Groove Phi Groove S.F.I. for nearly 30 years, I'm always asked why aren't you guys in the Pan Hellenic Council. The very foundational principal in the formation of the Fellowship was and still is an observance of the Ancient Kemitic teachings pre-dating Greek culture by nearly 1,000 years.
Perhaps you are aware of Imothep from which modern medicine has its genesis and the scholastic teachings of Kemetic academicians from whom Greeks sat at the feet of and learned of disciplines such as philosophy, mathematics, chemistry, masonry (as in the building trade) and the embalming process just to name a few.
In 1962, 14 students at Morgan State College now Morgan State University found it necessary to address the problems confronting the African American community. However, as collegians enlightened by the contributions of their forefathers, they sought to develop an organization that adhered to their contribution to the race and world society at large.
I'd like to make perfectly clear how much admiration I have for the BGLOs (Black Greek Letter Organizations) as they have made a tremendous contribution to our community on a local, national and international level. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for the Alpha's to form in Ithaca, NY and Kappa's in rural Indiana in the early 20th century. The subsequent foundations of Omega, AKA, Delta, Zeta, SGR (Sigma Gamma Rho) and Iota also forged a nucleus by which our communities’ needs could be addressed.
However, our (Grooves') contingent is why pay homage to a culture i.e. Greek which looted pilferage and stole from those (Africans) who so freely shared all they had? There are many chronicles that substantiate this fact not the least of them is "Stolen Legacy" by George G.M. James. By the way, this is required reading by Swanxmen during their orientation process.
In closing, am I, Greek hatin'? NO! My very own late brother was a Kappa, my niece an AKA my dear sister-in-law a Delta and one of my dearest friends an Omega. As I've grown older I look more at similarities than differences. I hope I've shed some light on your questions regarding Groove and my beautiful sisters of Swing Phi Swing. Peace & Blessings:”
13. Is that a mug of beer on your shield/crest?
This is a question often asked, so I will dedicate some time and space to answer it and put it into perspective. The surface answer is yes, but requires deeper thought and an open mind. First I would like to say, as a longtime Sunday Church School teacher, whenever I am presented this question, I am reminded of Luke 7:33-44, when Christ is questioned about drinking alcohol/wine. Nonetheless, when I first saw the shield - similar thoughts came to my mind, however with a different focus. How does an organization focused on ancient Egyptian or Kemetic principles have a substance which did not exist in antiquity. Well being as inquisitive as those whom often ask this question, I did some research and found that archaeologists excavating the Workmen's Village in Amarna, built by Pharaoh Akhenaten in 1350 BC discovered that Egyptians in antiquity brewed beer and consumed the beverage. Thus, beer clearly was a beverage consumed in antiquity.
In The Archaeology of Food: An Encyclopaedia authors (Karen Bescherer Metheny and Mary C. Beaudry, 2015) wrote the following, "Beer has served as food, intoxicant, and as medicine, and as an essential component of social and ritual exchanges from prehistory through modern times. When shared beer can strengthen ties between equals; it can also emphasize or elevate the status of a generous host (individual or institution) of a work party or other feasts. In some societies, it was required for ceremonies and offerings."
Again the cynic may say what does drinking alcohol, have to do with fellowship. I submit to you, that delegates from 13 British Colonies gathered at Ole City Tavern in the Historic City of Philadelphia and shared a mug of beer (or two) in fellowship while establishing bonding relationships. Out of that Fellowship in Ole City Tavern, Articles of Confederation were conceived, a Declaration of Independence was written, a new nation was born and the Constitution created. The Independence Mall Park Service has deemed that Fellowship, "Miracle at Philadelphia" and to commemorate that Fellowship, the National Park Service offers a walking tour which follows the footsteps of the Delegates gathered at the 1787 Continental Convention. The tour is led by historical character actor portraying Statesman Benjamin Franklin. A LA Times reporter whom took the tour during the 200th Anniversary of the Constitution offered the following in his review, "Now we are taking a break with him at the old City Tavern where delegates to the Constitutional Convention in the summer of 1787 sipped, relaxed, dined, socialized and planned strategies." Note. There was no focus on the beer consumed or the fact they met at a tavern; instead of their hotel or Congress Hall. The National Park Service focuses on the team building and the collaborative spirit of like-minded men gathered in fellowship with a common goal. Thus, I submit to you that our symbol represents the same like-mindedness and collaborative spirit demonstrated by the founding fathers of our noble nation.
14. Is Groove Phi Groove a national or regional organization?
Groove phi Groove is an international organization with chapters and members in varied regions of America, Africa and England. However most of our members reside between the heartland and the Atlantic Coast, in areas which embraced and facilitated the changes which produced equality for all America's citizens during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's. Notwithstanding, our stateside chapters extend from New England to the Lone Star state of Texas, from the Pacific North shores to the bayous of Louisiana, Florida and Alabama.
Questions & Answers
Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc. ~ Building a Better Tomorrow ~ One Young Man at a Time
Fellowship Synonyms:
companionship, sociability, camaraderie, friendship, mutual support; togetherness, solidarity; association, society, club, league, union, guild, affiliation, alliance, fraternity, confraternity, brotherhood, sorority, sodality, benevolent society
Type your paragraph here.
"34 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and "sinners." 35 But wisdom is proved right by all her children." Luke 7:34-35
Whether you are a corporate donor, foundation, individual considering giving a donation, would like to join us in a community service project, or just curious about our organization, we welcome you in exploring our website. The Fellowmen of The Philadelphia Graduate Chapter, Inc. understand that inquiring minds and potential partners have questions. Below we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions and answers. If your question is not addressed, please us the contact form and submit your inquiry.
The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution both owe much to the food and spirits consumed in this building.
Copyright 2013. Fl. Chris Kingsberry ~ The Philadelphia Graduate Chapter, Inc. ~ Groove Phi Groove, Social Fellowship, Inc. All rights reserved.